The mission of The Applied Statistical Independence in Biological Systems (ASIBS) Short Course is to train faculty and fellows from academic medical centers across the nation to become proficient in biostatistical methodology and statistical computing. The overall goal of the proposed ASIBS Short Course is to provide formal applied statistical training to faculty and fellows actively involved in research at US academic medical institutions. Participants who take the ASIBS Short Course will be able to apply the necessary quantitative, logical, and computational skills to successfully collaborate within clinical research teams by fulfilling the following Core Objectives:
- To develop the statistical competence necessary to independently carry out small-scale clinical research projects
- To proficiently use statistical programming to perform data manipulation and basic to intermediate statistical analyses
- To accurately identify and interpret the relevant results from statistical output
- To evaluate the integrity of data, with respect to how it was collected and analyzed, and identify the major threats to the internal and external validity of the results
- To effectively communicate important statistical findings from independent research and the medical literature
- To develop effective communication strategies for the successful engagement of biostatisticians in collaborative research projects